Training and Practice Periodical
Guidelines to the authors
1. Scientific essays
A) Title, author
Author: Times New Roman, 14, bold, small capitals, centred
Title: Times New Roman, 14, bold, centred
Title at 1 line from the author
Place a maximum 10 line summary of your paper at 1 line from the title, TNR 12, italics.
Place a hard return before the essay itself. Do not use indented first line in your abstract!
B) Components of the article
Times New Roman 12
1,5 spacing
Full text justification
Please use indented paragraphs, 0,7 cm (do not use tabulator).
1. Bold (before and after one line space)
1.1 Italics (1 line space before, but no line space after)
Do not use automatic numbering, use manual! Indenting 0,7 cm.
(1) number of participants;
(2) qualification of participants;
(3) gender of paricipants;
- number of participants;
- qualification of participants;
- gender of participnats;
Please do not use page numbering in your manuscript!
C) Tables, graphs, pictures
Do not place tables, graphs, pictures in the text! Mark its place and send it in jpeg format separatelly (use pictures only if they have their own functions). Use the same language as in the text itself!
Titles are above, left-aligned, digit numbers. (TNR 12, bold)
You must refer to the tables, charts, pictures in the text!
As for the data of the 2. chart....
You may see the results in the 2. table
Source of the tables, charts, pictures are under them, centred, TNR 11, italics.
Source: KSH 2001. census
The journal is black and white! We can not publish coloured graphs and pictures.
D) Notes
Do not use foot notes! If you wish to add extra information to your text use index numbers and put it between the text and the list of references.
1 The changes in the variety of the chosen foreign languages at Hungarian schools are also due to the change of the system and therefore the stop of the compulsory Russian language teaching.
E) Extension
The paper length can be maximum 40.000 characters, spaced (including text, tables, graphs, list of references).
F) List of references
At one line from the text comes the List of references (small cap, 12 left-aligned. After a hard space come the referred books 0,7 cm indented. Only those books can be referred that are in the text!
No numbering and assignment in the list, author must be in alphabetical order. Different books from the same author must be in chronological order, if the publication year is the same use distinction (Skutnabb-Kangas 2006a, 2006b)
G) Summaries in foreign languages
We ask for an English summary in case of Hungarian and a Hungarian summary in case of English studies, in 1000 characters (author,title, text) If the study is in any other language then we ask for a summary in that language, English and Hungarian, too.
English summaries should come after the bibliography at one line from it.
Its format:
TNR 12, italics
Author and title centred, bold, italics
At one line comes the text, TNR 12, italics.
2. Review
Use the same format as in case of studies but maximum length is 5x A4 pages.
Do not forget to mention: title, author, publisher, year of publishing of the book and the author of the review.
H) References
Please use Harvard Reference Style!
The Harvard style of referencing is widely accepted in academic publications, although you may see a number of variations in the way it is used.
This style of referencing requires that you acknowledge the source of your information or ideas in two ways:
• in the text of your work, when you refer to ideas or information you have collected during your research. Each reference is indicated by including the author and date of the publication referred to, or cited.
• in a reference list at the end of your text, which gives the full details of the works you have referred to, or cited.
In text referencing we ask for the following format:
(Gósy, 1998: 256), if it is on more pages (Gósy, 1998: 256-257) if you quote the text
and (Gósy 1998) if you paraphrase the text.
We also ask for a reference list after the full text. Use the following format:
Author(s) of book – surname, given name and Year of publication, Title of book - italicised, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication.
Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove (2007): Bilingualism or not- the education of minorities. Orient Longman, Delhi
Chapter in a book
Author(s) of chapter – surname, given name and Year of publication, Title of chapter - italics in: Author of book , Title of book, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, page numbers.
Gósy Mária (1998): Az olvasásértés függősége a vizuális információ sajátosságaitól. In: Zoltán András: Nyelv, stílus, irodalom. ELTE, Budapest. 173–179.
Journal articles
Author(s) of article –surname, given name and Year of publication, Title of article. Journal name - italicised, volume number, issue number, page number(s).
Manis, F. R.(1985): Acquisition of word identification skills in normal and disables readers. Journal of Educational Psychology 1985/77. 1st issue. 77–90.
Newspaper articles
Author(s) of article – surname, given name and Year of publication, Title of article. Newspaper name - italicised, month day, page number(s).
Kovács G. Anita (2001): A járványok jelene. Mikrobák versenyhelyzetben. Népszabadság, szeptember 5. 9–10.
Author of thesis – surname, given name and Year of preparation of thesis, Title of thesis- italics. Award, Institution under whose auspices the study was taken
Byrne Mark (1996), Self-talk and test anxiety. PhD thesis, Monash University, Melbourne
Electronical sources
a. Websites
Author (Year of Publication: Title of pubication. Name or sponsor of the site, URL, date of viewing the site
b. E-book
Author (year of publication): title of e-book, Name or sponsor of the website, URL, date of wieving the site, page numbers
c. Electronical journal
Author (year of publication): Title of the article/study. Title of journal. Volume and issue of the journal. Page numbers. URL, date of viewing the site.
d. CD-ROM journal/articles
Author (year of publication): Title of article. Title of journal (CD-ROM). Year or month of publication, number of edited CDs (if possible). Page number, database, item number
e. Film, video, Tv programme
Title of programme (year of production). Type of programme. Director. If possible producer and place of production.
We kindly ask our authors to use the guideline while writing their papers. Studies that are not written in the given format will not be published.
Training and Practice
Editorial Board